Pogz Kvishen


Country: Russian Federation

Field elevation: 110ft

ICAO: H303


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Nearby airports

This list contains all airports surounding Pogz Kvishen within a radius of 40NM. To select one for details, klick on the airport name or ICAO code.

ICAO - Airport Distance [NM] Price [EUR/L]
H303 - Pogz Kvishen 0 NA
H432 - Pogz Mamonovo 11 NA
HCS6 - Mamonovo Hayligenbayl 12 NA
H625 - Prudki 12 NA
H029 - Baltiysk 20 NA
ZEZ2 - Maloye Isakovo 21 NA
XMWB - Kaliningrad Chkalovsk 22 NA
HF6B - Grs 1 22 NA
HC3L - Normeln 22 NA
H413 - Lunino 23 NA
H560 - Pogz Parusnoe 24 NA
H817 - Hmelevka 24 NA
H583 - Platforma 1 27 NA
UMKB - Borskoye 28 NA
H554 - Pavenkovo Poligon 30 NA
HAA1 - Pogz Krasnotorovka 30 NA
UMKK - Khrabrovo Airport 31 NA
XMWD - Donskoye 33 NA
EPKI - Kikity 33 NA
H577 - Fgbu Gk Yantar 33 NA
EPEL - Elblag 35 NA
HA9Q - Zheleznodorozhnyiy 36 NA
EPOD - Dajtki K Olsztyna 38 2.15

Color Codes: AVGAS 100LL AVGAS UL91 MOGAS / Super+


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