Ayr Sargeant Private Airfield

City: Ayr

Country: Canada

Field elevation: 970ft



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Nearby airports

This list contains all airports surounding Ayr Sargeant Private Airfield within a radius of 40NM. To select one for details, klick on the airport name or ICAO code.

ICAO - Airport Distance [NM] Price [EUR/L]
CAY5 - Ayr Sargeant Private Airfield 0 NA
CYKF - Waterloo Airport 11 NA
CYFD - Brantford Municipal Airport 13 NA
CMB3 - Cambridge Puslinch Lake Water Aerodrome 13 NA
CPT3 - Rockton Airport 14 NA
CPE4 - Cambridge Reids Field Airport 14 NA
CRE3 - Curries Rand Private Airfield Aerodrome 17 NA
CPG4 - Elmira East Airport 17 NA
CNT6 - Elmira Airport 17 NA
CPR5 - Woodstock Airport 18 NA
CLB2 - Plattsville Lubitz Flying Field Aerodrome 2 NA
CYSA - Stratford Municipal Airport 20 NA
CNC4 - Guelph 20 NA
CMB5 - Campbellville Bellshill Airpark Aerodrome 22 NA
CHD4 - Thamesford Harydale Farms Aerodrome 26 NA
CPG7 - Fergus Juergensen Field Airport 26 NA
CYHM - John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport 26 NA
CVF2 - Fergus Vodarek Field Aerodrome 27 NA
CPY9 - Fergus Holyoake Airfield Aerodrome 27 NA
CPR9 - Fergus Royland Field Aerodrome 27 NA
CNX8 - Nixon Airport 28 NA
CPK9 - Arthur Peskett Field Aerodrome 28 NA
CAR5 - Arthur Arthur South Aerodrome 29 NA
CZBA - Burlington Executive 29 NA
CEF2 - Belwood Ellen Field Aerodrome 30 NA
CBW6 - Belwood Wright Field Aerodrome 30 NA
CMZ2 - Arthur Metz Field Aerodrome 30 NA
CHP2 - Belwood Heurisko Pond Water Aerodrome 31 NA
CLC2 - London Chapeskie Field Airport 31 NA
CBF2 - Belwood Baird Field Aerodrome 31 NA
CPA4 - Simcoe Dennison Field Airport 31 NA
CPS7 - Orton Smith Field Airport 31 NA
CAT1 - Atwood Coghlin Airport 32 NA
CPC3 - Arthur Walters Field Aerodrome 33 NA
CPP6 - York Aerodrome 33 NA
CYXU - London Airport 33 0.34
CPN5 - Listowel Airport 34 NA
CGV5 - Grand Valley Black Field Aerodrome 35 NA
CPR3 - Palmerston Airport 35 NA
CGV6 - Grand Valley Martin Field Aerodrome 35 NA
CPF6 - Stoney Creek Airport 36 NA
COB4 - Orangeville Brundle Field Aerodrome 37 NA
CNC3 - Brampton Airport 39 NA
CNZ8 - Grimsby Airpark 40 NA
CPD2 - Ethel Airport 40 NA
CGV3 - Grand Valley North Aerodrome 40 NA

Color Codes: AVGAS 100LL AVGAS UL91 MOGAS / Super+


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