Lahr Airport

City: Lahr

Country: Germany

Field elevation: 511ft



  • AVGAS 100LL
  • 2.69 EUR/L

    VAT 19%: 0.429 (2.261)

    Energy tax: 0.721 (1.54)

  • Last confirmed: -
  • Last update: 12.05.2022
  • JET A-1
  • 2.09 EUR/L

    VAT 19%: 0.334 (1.756)

    Energy tax: 0.655 (1.102)

  • Last confirmed: -
  • Last update: 12.05.2022

Price history

Nearby airports

This list contains all airports surounding Lahr Airport within a radius of 40NM. To select one for details, klick on the airport name or ICAO code.

ICAO - Airport Distance [NM] Price [EUR/L]
EDTL - Lahr Airport 0 2.69
LFGC - Strasbourg Neuhof Airport 11 NA
EDSK - Kehl Sundheim 12 NA
LFST - Strasbourg Airport 13 NA
HAUT - Strasbourg Hautepierre 14 NA
LF01 - Albe 20 NA
EDTF - Freiburg i. Br. Airport 21 2.46
LFGA - Colmar-Houssen Airport 24 2.71
EDTW - Winzeln Schramberg 25 2.30
LFSH - Haguenau Airport 26 2.00
EDSB - Karlsruhe Baden-Baden Airport 27 3.00
LFQY - Saverne Steinbourg 28 NA
EDTG - Bremgarten Airport 29 2.04 1.77
EDTB - Baden Oos 29 NA
LFSC - Colmar-Meyenheim Air Base 32 NA
LFGY - Saint Die Remomeix 33 2.10
LFQP - Phalsbourg-Bourscheid Air Base 34 NA
EDTS - Schwenningen Am Neckar 35 NA
LFGT - Sarrebourg Buhl 36 NA
EDSZ - Rottweil-Zepfenhahn 37 NA
EDTD - Donaueschingen-Villingen Airport 37 2.04
EDTE - Eutingen Im Gaeu 39 NA
EDSV - Wachtersberg 40 NA
EDRO - Schweighofen 40 NA
EDTO - Offenburg 6 NA
EDSW - Altdorf Wallburg 6 NA

Color Codes: AVGAS 100LL AVGAS UL91 MOGAS / Super+


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